For the uninitiated, cellular automata, is like a simulation of simple life forms. You have rules for growth, survival and decay. Conway's Game of Life is a form of cellular automata based on four simple rules:
- Any live cell with less than two live neighbours dies (as if by under-population).
- Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies (as if by over-population).
- Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell (as if by reproduction).
- Any live cell with two or three neighbours lives on with no change in state.
A sample of a generated wallpaper:

I learnt quite a few interesting things working on this script. Most surprising was the amount of time people have spent on this. There is a wiki, which boasts a collection of about 600+ interesting patterns. There are about 6 file formats used to save cell configurations. People have written implementations in java, javascript, HTML5, and probably any other language you can write code in, I think its been implemented.
The code for the Game of Life implementation was taken from here.